May 26th 2020
Steeplegate Eye Care is open for business and needs to protect its staff and patients from COVID 19.
Below is an outline of changes that we have taken in order to ensure your safety and the safety of our staff.
We will see one patient per half hour. This will allow us to properly clean and social distance. Please do not arrive early for your appointment.
Every patient will have their temperature taken before seeing their doctor.
We will ask you use hand sanitizer upon entering the office.
All patients will be asked to wear a face mask to ensure the safety of our patients, staff, and doctors. All staff and doctors will wear face masks to ensure your safety.
Please arrive alone, unless you are the parent of a minor or legal guardian. All non-patients are asked to wait in the hall outside the store in order to adhere to social distancing guidelines and avoid crowding.
We have installed new plexiglass barriers at the front desk and face shields for machines in the exam rooms in order to provide further protection for both patients and staff.
We have posted signage in multiple locations in our office to remind everyone of social distancing guidelines.
During this period of social distancing and quarantine, we must all do our part by restricting activities outside the home except for getting medical care. If you should have symptoms, or feel your symptoms are worsening, call ahead before visiting your doctor’s office or emergency department. This will help the medical staff protect themselves and other patients.
For More Information:
AOA's COVID19 Patient Resources
FAQ about COVID19 and Eye Health
Contact Lenses Wear in the COVID19 Age